How To Lower Blood Sugar For Type1 Diabetes

When people with type 1 diabetes have high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), they do not have enough insulin in their system to move the sugar from the blood into the cells of the body. Other causes of high blood sugar are the presence of an infection or another illness, an injury and the stress of surgery. First you should measure the glucose level of the patient and depending on that treatment should be given. As it could be emergency too. Take an insulin correction bolus as indicated by your doctor and test blood glucose frequently to make sure levels are coming down. Whenever your blood glucose is over 240-mg/dL-check urine for ketones. The treatment of this disease involves lifestyle-directed interventions, insulin, sulfonylurea-based medications, metformin, repaglinide, nateglinide, glucosidase inhibitors, and thiazolidinediones. Since careful administration of insulin is the principal treatment, immediate medical intervention is advised.

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