How To Lower Blood Sugar

You can find if you are have high blood sugar by some of the symptoms like blurred vision, thirst, fatigue, increase in urination, and dry mouth. If you have any of these symptoms then you have to check your blood sugar level. Other symptoms like labored breathing, loss of appetite, vomiting, and nausea are also found in person who have high blood sugar.

If you want to control your blood sugar levels you have to stick to the regular meal times rather than taking at odd times. Avoid the junk foods and give importance to vegetables and fruits, and whole grains. Develop a healthy eating habit so that you get the nutrients needed for your body instead of just increasing the calories. You can contact a nutritionist for the best diet plan for you. It is found that including spices like cinnamon in your food will reduce the blood sugar. Hence it is advised to sprinkle your meal with some cinnamon. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily would be more helpful in control your blood sugar level.

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