How to lose weight in 10 days?

If you want to lose weight permanently then you have to follow a regular plan which will allow you to shed those extra pounds. Moderate exercise, sufficient water intake, good nutrition, and a good sleep are necessary if you want to lose weight permanently. Do some moderate exercises at least thrice a week. Sufficient water has also to be taken. The number of ounces of water that you take should be half the number of your weight.

When we say good nutrition take fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid fried foods and fast foods. White flour products and sugary foods should also be avoided. Avoid red meat and try to include fish in your food instead of meat. If you have followed all these and found that you are not getting any result then it would be that you are not sleeping well. Yes. A good sleep is also needed if you want to lose weight. Detoxification therapies can also be done so that the toxins in your body are also removed. Follow these and you are in the path to lose weight permanently.

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