How to lower water ph balance?

The pH of water should be 7 to be neutral. Usually it will be more than 7 indicating that it is slightly alkaline. If the pH is lower it indicates that the water is acidic in nature. The pH of water is altered due to many factors like acidic rain, soil runoff, mineral leaching, and decomposing. If you take a pond the pH should not go below 6.8 or above 8.0 as this would cause a lot of diseases to the living organisms in the pond. In the case of humans the pH midpoint of the body fluids is 6.4 and it is not 7.0 as in the case of others.

Our body has to be slightly acidic for all the digestion, absorption, and the processes to take place properly. Proper dosages of sodium, potassium, and magnesium salts are necessary to maintain the proper level ofpH in your body. So takes these salts as you like. Better consult your physician to find out the levels that might be needed for your body.

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