How to Get Rid of Toe Fungus Naturally and Effectively

How to Get Rid of Toe Fungus Naturally and Effectively

Taking proper care of your feet is just as important as looking after the rest of your body. Especially, if you have been affected with to fungus, special care needs to be administered. First, you need to cure the fungal infection you have been already subjected to. Second, you would have to keep it from becoming more virulent. Toe fungus can cause ugly discolouration of the toe nails. Therefore, you should ideally administer prompt care for effective management of the problem.nts is quite common. It will subside within two weeks, and it is not a cause of major concern. Oral thrush in adults poses many problems like bad breath, irritation etc.

How to Get Rid of Toe Fungus Naturally Home Based Remedies

1.Consider the following natural remedies for managing your toe nail fungal infection better.

2.To begin with, you would need to practise complete hygiene. Therefore, consider cleaning your nails on a regular basis and cutting them neatly. Keeping them dry and disinfected is also equally important. You could either do it yourself or seek professional cleaning by podiatrists.

3.Vinegar, which can be found in almost every kitchen, is considered highly effective for treating fungal infections. You could either consider applying the normal white vinegar or choose apple cider vinegar instead. Apply directly on the affected parts or mix it with water and soak you feet in it.

4.One of the most effective ways to ensure that the fungi do not grow rapidly is to ensure that they do not receive enough oxygen. For this, you could consider coating the nails with a thick film of Vicks VapoRub and leave on. The results will be pretty pronounced.

5.Sulphur powder is considered excellent for anti fungal treatments. You could also consider blending it with common over the counter fungal treatment powders and apply them on affected areas.

6.Consider applying tea tree oil on the affected parts of your nails. Tea tree oil is considered highly effective in managing infections of this kind.

7.The extract of grapefruit seed is also considered effective in treating toe fungus. It has complete anti fungal, anti viral and antiseptic properties which help in managing infection and provides for healthier toe nails.

8.For cleaning the fungus on your nails, apply the essential oils of lemongrass for effective respite. It will not only do away with fungal infection
completely, but will also promote the growth of fresh nails, really fast.

For speeding up the recovery process, stay away from tight athletic shoes and socks. Stick to open, airy sandals and stay away from common bathing spaces. Let your feet breathe as much as possible and keep them dry.

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