How to Get Rid of Thrush Naturally?

b>How Thrush Develops

Thrush is the disease of oral or vaginal cavity that is caused by yeast fungal infection termed Candida. The cause of thrush is unknown but if there is an imbalance in the microorganisms and yeast levels in the body, then it will lead to thrush and infection of mucous membranes in the gut, mouth, vaginal cavity etc.

Who are susceptible to Thrush

Thrush in infants is quite common. It will subside within two weeks, and it is not a cause of major concern. Oral thrush in adults poses many problems like bad breath, irritation etc.

Getting Rid of Oral Thrush Naturally

1.Gargling with warm saline water and eating raw garlic will help in reducing the symptoms.

2.A mouthwash made of mixing olive oil and coconut oil also aids in giving relief.

3.Another option is to gargle with tea tree oil mixed with warm water.

4.Consuming yogurt regularly would also help the patients suffering from oral thrush.

If conditions do not improve with the natural remedies, then it is essential to consult a doctor.

Getting Rid of Vaginal Thrush Naturally

1.Maintaining hygienic conditions, cleaning the areas with clean water, and wearing loose fitting garments will aid in reducing the symptoms.

2.Natural herbs and supplements like garlic, oregano, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar always give positive results.

3.Inserting a raw, crushed clove of garlic into the vaginal cavity by packing it in gauge cloth also relieves the symptoms in almost a couple of days. This
garlic treatment should be done three times a day.

4.Abstaining from sugar, dairy products like milk, fruits and nuts also will be helpful.

5.Physical and mental stress should be controlled as it affects the immune system of the body and a balanced healthy life style always yields positive results.
Why Natural Method of Getting Rid of Thrush is Preferable?

6.Natural remedies help in removing toxins from the body. That is the reason why natural methods are always safe and do not lead to any complications.

7.Maintaining right pH levels in the body is a key factor to eliminate the yeast Candida. That can be achieved by regular use of the prescribed natural supplements.

8.Natural remedies need to be followed with lot of patience as it will take some time to eradicate the yeast through natural supplements and foods.

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