How Does Yoga Work

Postures, breathing techniques, and focus on specific body parts are the key to yoga. With these you integrate the body, mind and soul. In yoga the postures are called as asanas and the breathing techniques are called pranayama. The postures or asanas help you to focus on specific body parts. You will be asked by your tutor to focus on a specific body part, for example on your spine. With such focus the connection between that particular body part and the mind is built. There is no way for diversion. The focus is internal. The breathing techniques which are in a controlled fashion help you to merge the body, the mind and your soul or spirit. Prana means energy and yama means social ethics. Breathing also helps you to focus on your muscles and during savasana you will be more relaxed due to slow down of heart rate and inner calmness. You get a sense of inner calm and relaxation.

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