How do you treat whooping cough in adults: Simple Methods

How do you treat whooping cough in adults: Simple Methods

Whooping cough is a contagious disease known to afflict both children as well as adults. Also known as Pertussis, this health condition has a greater chance of affecting different people in a particular family if any one member is suffering from it. Although the disease was reduced largely through the administration of DPT vaccination to children, whooping cough seems to be afflicting a substantial number of people worldwide in current times.

However, albeit the enormity of the disease, it is not very difficult to devise appropriate treatment methods at home. All that is required is patience and an extra amount of care. Firstly, one must identify and target the symptoms of the disease. Some of the key notes to be considered include:

1.Whooping cough is contagious for a longer period.

2.The germs remain contagious from the first 7 days of exposure to Bordetella pertusis bacteria to as many as 21 days following the onset of coughing spasms.

3.Although the symptoms of whooping cough are less severe among adults compared to children, it is usually overlooked as mere cold or an upper respiratory infection.

How do you treat whooping cough in adults Easy-to-follow Steps

The following steps must be accommodated to make sure that you and your family keep away from whooping cough:

1.Make sure to avoid exposure to other family members by keeping the infected person in an isolated room at least for the first five days of the antibiotics
treatment. It is advisable that the other members of the family who are not infected wear a surgical mask while in the same room as that of the patient.

2.The infected individual must ensure to wash the hands properly as whooping cough can be very easily transmitted through contact.

3.Dehydration is common amongst sufferers of whooping cough. Bingeing on fluids such as juices, fruits, water, soups etc. can be highly beneficial. They not
only provide the required amount of fluid to the body but also the nutrients that are necessary.

4.Eat small meals to reduce the feeling of vomiting that is associated with intense coughing. Six small meals instead of three large ones is a typical way of
effectively responding to the potential for vomiting.

5.Do not consume any medication that is not prescribed by the doctor.

6.You can mitigate the symptoms considerably by way of a cool mist vaporizer, which will ensure that your breathing is easier and the roughness of the cough is

By introducing these simple steps into your routine for the time that you or any other member of the family is infected with whooping cough, you can ensure super-fast recuperation and remarkable relief from annoying symptoms.

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