How can I fix my cell phone it got wet?

Have you ever dropped your cell phone in water and wondered how to make it work properly? In most of the cases there is a need to replace the phone itself. If you act fast and smart you can save the cost of buying a new cell phone. The first step is to get the cell phone out of water. Then immediately remove the battery from the cell phone. It is wise to remove the battery since it cuts off the power to the cell phone and the circuit in the cell phone can survive. Remove the SIM card if your phone uses a SIM card since some cell phones don’t have a SIM card.

Remove the cover of the phone. You may use a screw driver if needed. Then dry the cell phone as much as possible and remove any water that is present using a paper towel or towel. For drying you may even use a desk lamp. Dry the cell phone for at least 24 hours so that the water that got in would also dry up. The toughest task is to wait for that much time to allow it for drying. After that you may assemble it again and put the battery in and test it. It should work fine.

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