How to Cure Asthma Permanently

10% of the population is suffering from asthma. But not everybody is cured from asthma permanently. Asthma can be treated by keeping the asthma symptoms under control. Doing yoga and pranayama regularly will also play a major role in curing asthma.

How to cure Asthma Permanently

Asthma can be cured permanently using different herbs, drugs and treatments from which the best method suitable for the patient can be selected. Doctor decides how to cure asthma permanently based on how severe is the patients asthma problem and which triggered the asthma problem in the patient i.e, the cause. For an example, in some high-level athletes, asthma is triggered by the exercise they do which is less severe and so a simple inhaler will cure it.

Ways to Cure Asthma Permanently


In Allopathic treatment, the asthmatic patient controls asthma using medicines and in severe cases, drugs involving steroids is given.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies give permanent cure to asthma very effectively. Natural remedies will control the lung inflammation caused by external forces using vitamins, minerals and herbs rather than using expensive drugs containing steroids which might cause side effects to organs and tissues. Vitamin D and Omega-3 oil got from fish plays a major role in curing asthma and keeping asthma symptoms such as wheezing under control. Allergic asthma can be cured by using cayenne pepper which acts as antiseptic and stimulant to the body. Garlic gives asthmatic relief when 10 cloves of it is boiled in tea or milk and consumed by the patient once daily. It soothes the throat and makes breathing easy. Apple Cider Vinegar gives fast relief from allergic asthma but it should be used in diluted form.

Yet another natural remedy for asthma is Aloe Vera. It is expected that oral application of Aloe Vera cures asthma permanently. Wash a big piece of Aloe Vera and remove the skin to get the stalk of the gel. Wash it further in running water and wipe it so that the slippery substance on it is removed. Make a juice/liquid using chopped Aloe Vera and water. Stop boiling once it becomes thick, add wild honey and after cooling refrigerate it in a glass bottle. Use this orally 3 times a day for 20 minutes before food. It is believed that it gives permanent cure for asthma.


Homeopathy treatment for asthma is done by considering all the modalities including all the factors and conditions that give the relief from asthma. By properly analyzing all the modalities, the asthmatic condition of the patient is diagnosed and appropriate homeopathy medicine is provided. It is easy, long lasting and successful method that offers permanent cure for asthma.


Acupuncture method of treatment is also very effective in curing asthma problems permanently.

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