How to write written references?

Written references are used in many writings, papers, and publications that are published elsewhere. Referencing the written references in these has different formats. Writings like Books, and reports would have a different format for writing the written references. Similarly different formats for Conferences, symposia, journals, electronic materials, official publications, and unpublished materials are available. Referencing them in the preferred format would make your reference to be in a professional way.

For example if you are referencing a book in your writing then you may be required to have that reference in the following order. First you have to write the author, then the date of publication, title, place of publication, and then the publisher. Some of the optional parameters that can be included are the edition, volume number, page numbers, subtitle, series title and number, and ISBN. You can find the formats of the written references in the webpage A simple search on the net would provide you other links also.

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