How to write an outline?

An outline is a plan for presenting a paper or a speech. It is necessary to have an outline otherwise you might not present your paper in an orderly manner. The order of an outline also plays an important role in how your paper is documented. It is common to go from a general point of view to the specific point of view. It could be chronological or spatial arrangement. All your ideas could be supported by examples to make it more clearly to the audience. The outlines should have a summarizing statement that summarizes what is being discussed in that topic.

Two types of outlines are used in creating outlines. They are topic outline and sentence outline. The topic outlines are single phrases and the sentence outlines give a sentence about the topic. While creating an outline, it is necessary to subdivide the topics by numbers and letters. Make sure that each of the headings has at least two parts in it. This also applies to the sub headings. You can use any one of the types of outline for your paper or speech.

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