How to Treat Swollen Glands in Throat

The glands of the throat which is known as lymph glands are the part of lymphatic system which is associated with bodys immune system. When these glands got swollen then it is the signal for infection. These glands generally swell after throat infection and cold. The symptoms of these swollen glands will vary widely. At some cases the swollen glands can be painful, tender and disfiguring. Some other symptoms include weight loss, night sweats, fever and local infections like sore throat and toothache.

How to Treat Swollen Glands in Throat

Generally there are no treatments that can be taken as self and hence in order to get cured from this problem, one must consult with physician and do further.

1.Consult Doctor when a sore throat and swollen glands are found at throat in order to prevent from mononucleosis, strep throat and tonsillitis. Take certain
antibiotics that are prescribed by the medical practitioner.

2.Take one cup full of warm water and mix teaspoon of salt with it. Then add teaspoon of goldenseal root into the bowl mixture. Now strain this over a
cheese cloth and use it as an oral rinse and then gargle with the mixture. This will give a relief for swollen glands in throat.

3.Consult a Physician immediately when earache is found along with swollen throat glands, if not then it might lead to ear infection. Also take antibiotics if

4.Echinacea is a good herb to take. It acts as a nice supplement which boosts up the immunity power of the body and also helps much to fight against illness.
But before taking Echinacea, one must consult with Physician and follow the instructions properly.

5.Consuming one ounce of Aloe Vera juice daily will treat the swollen glands in throat internally. Refrigerating this juice and taking freshly also gives good

6.Consuming a cup of mullein tea (made from Verbascum Thapsis) daily for respiratory problem and cold will minimize swelling of throat glands. Also this can be
taken along with another mixture. Take six ounces of hot water and steep one tea bag of mullein tea and keep for three minutes. Mix some honey if needed and taste it.

7.Use acetaminophen or ibuprofen for alleviating pain associated with swollen glands in throat. Follow the product instructions. Warnings and Tips:

8.In some rare cases, the swollen throat lands can be an indication of cancer. When the nodes are detected with more than three centimeters then care should be
taken. In that case, the person should consult with a Doctor and remove the node surgically.

9.One thing that everyone should be aware that only limited scientific researches are there to prove the claims regarding natural and home remedies.

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