How to test and check for a yeast infection: Easy-to-do

How to test and check for a yeast infection: Easy-to-do Steps

Yeast infection caused by fungus called Candida has been known to affect a large number of women all over the world. The first step towards treating a yeast infection is by way of testing whether you actually have it or not. The good news is that you can easily conduct a test at home, without having to visit a doctor to clear your suspicion.

How to test and check for a yeast infection

Every medical condition is born when something triggers to it. These are in the form of symptoms that help people know what their body is going through. Check for symptoms of fatigue, digestive problems, food allergies, constipation, sexual dysfunction, headaches etc. If you have been going through these, it is possible that you may be suffering from a yeast infection. Furthermore, to be sure that you do, you can undertake the following test.

When you get up in the morning, get yourself a glass of clear water, work up a bit of saliva and spit into the glass of water. Keep an eye on the glass of water and wait for string like cloudy legs to trickle down from the saliva floating at the brim into the bottom of the glass. If you do not see the string like cloudy legs at least for an hour, you are yeast infection free. If you see the string like cloudy legs trickling down the glass, you are infected. The more cloudiness the legs form and the faster they form indicate the speed and amount of yeast growth.

If you plan to visit the doctor for a check or test, make sure that you adhere to answer all his or her questions without feeling embarrassed. A fundamental test that the doctor will most likely put you through is by taking a sample of the infection. This, however, is conducted in two ways: by way of a vaginal culture and a blood sample. In the first method, the doctor will swab the vagina and look it up under the microscope. The second method involves blood samples to know if you have diabetes or if the fungal growth in your body is high.

Pelvic examination is also a widely practiced method to find out if a woman or a man has yeast infection. In women, the doctor will check if there is any inflation of the vulva. Furthermore, they will check if there are white plaques on them.
The best way to test if you have yeast infection is to first study what yeast infection is and the symptoms associated with it if you do not wish to visit a doctor when the doubts arise first.

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