How to paint a rusty iron fence?

Painting a rusty iron fence is not a big task if you know how to do it correctly. When you decide to paint a rusty iron fence then the first step is to remove the rust in the iron fence. The best and time tested way to do this is to use an emery paper and rub those rusts off the fence. You can even use brushes that are meant for that purpose. Once you have removed the rust from the iron fence, next is the job of which paint to choose for your iron fence.

Using automotive epoxy paint is more reliable and it would last for several years, even ten years. You can use just an epoxy primer for painting on the fence and just leave it. It would give the best look for your iron fences. There is no need for three coats as done in the automotives. You can use a sprayer when painting the fence as it would be easier than using a brush. If you use a brush to paint then you have to mix small amounts of paint so that it doesn t become harder after a few hours.

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