How to make hummingbird food?

It is easy to create hummingbird food at home and then use it in the hummingbird feeder. This helps you to observe the hummingbird in action closely. You can hand a feeder at home and observe these birds. Usually people go for purchase of hummingbird nectar. It is not necessary to do so if you know how to make it at home. The hummingbird nectar recipe is very simple.

Boil a cup of water and then add cup of sugar to it and stir it. Allow it to cool and then keep it in a refrigerator until you want to use it. That s it! The hummingbird nectar is ready. You might be tempted to add some food coloring to it. Don t do that. Artificial sweetener or honey need not be added to this. When you are using this hummingbird food in the feeder, make sure that you are cleaning the feeder with mild hot water so that you are removing any molds in it. Do this cleaning every few days. Rinse the feeder and then fill it with the syrup that you have created.

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