How To Make Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is one of the gentle herbs that have a lot of good qualities. It has been used for centuries due to these soothing properties. It has the qualities to calm you. That is why this was taken before going to bed in the ancient days. It is used to treat pain due to menstrual cycle, calm the nerves, and to treat some gastrointestinal problems. Migraine headaches can also be prevented if you take this chamomile tea. Any person who has his stomach upset can take this tea. Preparing this tea is very easy. All you need to prepare this is a cup of water, one teaspoon of chamomile flowers, and some honey and lemon juice. First boil water in a pan and then add the chamomile flowers to it when it is boiling. Close the pan for half a minute. Then remove the pan and leave it as it is for one more minute. Then you can add required amount of honey and lemon juice to it and serve it.

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