How To Get Rid Of Mole On Your Body

There is no need to get rid of mole from your body unless the doctor suspects that might be cancerous. Most of the moles in our body are harmless and hence there is no need to remove them. Some people prefer to remove the moles for cosmetic reasons. An outpatient procedure is done by an experienced doctor who might be a dermatologist himself. A small surgical procedure is done which might include using stitches or without stitches. Whether a stitch is used or not would be decided by the doctor at the time of the procedure. The mole is scraped down using a scalpel. A special solution is used to stop bleeding or the wound is cauterized. An antibiotic cream is also given which can be applied on the area of the surgery. Treating the wound after removal is easy. You have to clean it daily with hydrogen peroxide or water or a mix of both and apply the antibiotic on it.

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