How To Get Rid Of Chiggers

Chiggers are harvest mites that breed in the damp areas particularly wooden or grass areas. A bite from them would take about two weeks to heal. You will feel itchy after a bite from them. It is essential to get rid of them from the bushes, fences, grass and weeds in your garden so that you are not affected by them. Always trim your yard to keep the chiggers in control. Any moist and shady area in your yard or garden could be a place for them to breed. Keep moving in the area in which you know that the chiggers are. This would help you to avoid them getting settled in a place in your body to feed. Some of the chiggers use you as their host. To avoid this you could use DEET occasionally. There are many insecticides available in the stores to prevent and to get rid of chiggers. You can use them to get rid of them. You can spray these insecticides in your yard during spring.

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