How To Get Rid Of Ants

Ant baits have to be coated with poison so that once they take it they die. This is the method that is used in getting rid of ants. There are two types of baits that are used to remove ants. One is the sweet based ant bait and the other is protein based ant bait. The sweet based ant baits are usually used for killing the pavement ants. Boric acid is the common mineral that is used in controlling the ants that are found in houses. Borax based products that are used to control ants are very popular in the market.

Hydramethylnon or diazinon is used in the protein based baits. These protein based baits are used to get of ants like fire ants, argentine ants, and the carpenter ants. Most of these ants cause problem outdoors. Hence these are removed using the protein based bait granules. Whatever be the bait that is used to get rid of ants, the ants have to take the bait otherwise there is no use of the baits to get rid of ants.

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