How to fillet fish?

Filleting a fish leaves no wastage and very little bones. You can fillet a reasonable sized fish yourself and this can be used for any type of fish with scaled skin. You need a cutting board, a broad flat blade, and a thin flexible blade. The thin flexible blade is used to cut along the bone and the flat blade is used to remove the skin later.

Start by placing the fish on the cutting board and start from the dorsal area. Give a slanting cut with the thin knife and not through the bone. Now hold the head of the fish and start sliding the thin knife along the bone towards the tail. Don’t try to cut in one stroke. Go slowly like sawing. Peel the fillet back and you can use the thin knife to assist in cutting the fillet away if needed. The difficult part is the rib area and you have to take care that cut it slowly and by feeling the bone with the knife. Now repeat this for the other side also. After that you have to remove the skin from the fillet. Make a hole on the head side and insert a finger on the hole and use the flat blade to remove the skin. Hold the flat blade at an angle around 45 degrees so that you are not cutting away the skin but peeling it. You have to practice it to do it right.

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