How To Copy Ps2 Games

It is necessary to take a backup copy of your PS2 games so that you can use it in the future when you are in need of it. To take a backup copy of the PS2 games you need copying software, a media to copy it to, and a PS2 boot disc. The software that you buy for copying the PS2 games should be able to overcome the anti-piracy protection.

FADE is one such protection that automatically degrades the software over a period of time when it is used and later it becomes useless. You should also look for software that is user friendly with good help features. The media to which you can copy could be a DVD-R, or DVD-RW, or CD-RW formats. To play the legal backup copies of your PS2 games you need to install a mod chip in your PS2 system. You should know that installing such chips would make your PS2 system void of any warranty. Instead of using the mod chips you can also use a PS2 boot discs which needs to be placed before you use the backup copy.

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