How to build stairs?

Building stairs is easy if you how to do it in the right way. You have to follow some safety measures that would help you to build the stairs in your house exterior or even in your garden. Lumber can be used to build the stairs. There are some standard measurements that can be followed to make it good. The treads in the stairs must be 280mm deep and the rises should be 185mm at the maximum. There should be an overlap between the back of the tread and the front of the tread and this overlapping should be for a minimum of 15mm and it can go up to 25mm. the gap between the vertical distances of the treads should be bridged using riser boards. This gap should be less than 100mm.

If you want to get specific information on the measurements for building stairs, you can easily get them from many websites that are dedicated for house related construction activities. They also give diagrams that are self explanatory. A simple search is sure to give you links in this regard.

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