How to build a lumber greenhouse?

You can build your own lumber greenhouse to protect your plants. The materials that can be used to build your own lumber house depend on the size of the lumber greenhouse that you are going to build. If you are going to learn how to build, you can try with a smaller size of the lumber greenhouse. The materials required would be treated lumber, fascia, and framing. Treated plywood, polythene, plates, nails, hinges, and strapping are all required to build your lumber greenhouse.

The first step in building a lumber greenhouse is to build the base. Use the treated lumber to create base that is mostly square in shape. Nail them to the ground and secure it properly, since it is the base for your whole lumber greenhouse. Next, we have to work on the side walls. Frame them one for each side and fix them to the base boards with galvanized nails. Next we have to build the roof for the lumber greenhouse. The roof usually contains 5 pieces of rafters, 5 uprights, and 5 triangular gussets. Fix them up on the place where they should be. Use galvanized nails to fix them up. Then fix the fascia board. Next you have to fix the end walls, then the windows and the doors. At least cover them up with the polythene.

There are many websites that give you the exact specifications of the materials that are used for building the lumber greenhouse. You can perform a simple web search for that and use those information to build it according to your specification.

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