How Do I Network Two Computers

There are many ways to network two computers. You might use an Ethernet crossover cable, serial or parallel peripheral cable or USB cables designed for that purpose. Such networking between two computers will help you to share files, printers, other devices and even the internet connection. It is for this purpose we need to network two computers together. Of these methods the connecting using the Ethernet cables and the Ethernet adapter is the best solution as it offers easy configuration and reliable speed. You have to check whether the two computers have the Ethernet adapters in them to use this type of connection. It is also possible to connect if one of the computers have Ethernet adapter and the other has only a USB port. The computer that has the USB port has to be connected to an USB to Ethernet converter to work in the network. Special purpose USB cables for direct connection between two computers are also available. Do not ever try with the ordinary USB cables for connecting the two computers.

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