How do I get the best gas mileage?

Getting a good gas mileage is easy if you know what to do with your car and how to drive it. to get good gas mileage you should observe the speed limits. At greater speeds the mileage decreases. Unnecessary idling also reduces your gas mileage. You can use the cruise controls and the overdrive gears when needed. This would increase the mileage. Unnecessary luggage from your car should be removed. Fuel economy is considerably reduced if you have more than 100 pounds in your car. Try to avoid load on top of your car in the roof rack. This would increase the wind resistance and would eventually reduce the fuel economy.

Proper maintenance of your car is also necessary. Keep the engine of your car tuned properly. Use only approved motor oil in your car. Keep the tires inflated properly. Clean the air filters regularly. Proper and clean air filter are sure to increase the gas mileage by up to 10%. Use the recommended octane level for your car. Check the manufacturer of your car for the recommended level of octane. There are many gas saving devices that can be used in your car. Check them out.

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